As players eagerly await the much-anticipated Easter Egg hunt, is going to get the party started "in style" by bringing you a premiere Carnival experience - perhaps one of the first on Earth 2!
Tucked away in the small town of Pomerode, Brazil, is a celebration each year called Osterfest which is arguably one of the most "in style" ways to celebrate Easter. It is home to not one, but TWO, Guinness World Records for Easter celebrations. We are starting the E2 Osterfest at the same location as on E1.

1) Largest Easter Egg in the world (Guiness world record)
Measures:- 15m 2in height, 8m 72 in diameter

2) Largest Easter tree (Osterbaum) in the world (Guinness World record)
We invite all of E2 to come here and celebrate the Easter ‘in style’. Free entrance to the event which lasts a couple of weeks around the Easter every year. This year we’ll celebrate the festival from March 27th through April 12th.
You are also invited if you want to add yourself to the festival and have your own stall or Easter display art ... its the Easter Carnival ! Secure your own stall(s) at the carnival:

"Der Rest vom Osterfest" by jodage is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0.
Official E2 Osterfest location link :-
But wait... There's more!
Submit your decorated Easter Egg on the E2.News Discord server. Top entries will be featured on E2.News at the end of the festival. The top TWO voted entries will receive a free stall! Submission deadline is April 4th.

"Euch allen ein frohes Osterfest!" by Günter Hentschel is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0.