Earth 2 introduced two new Eco-Sim buildings and introduced the concept of Essence staking in its latest Vlog. Find key details below:-
EcoSim building: Petro-processor

The Petro-processor is a Layer-2 building, and marks the beginning of the Coating Technology Branch (presumably within the Earth 2 tech-tree).
Requirements to build:
Blueprints: Available via Research lab, once its upgraded to Layer-2 on that specific property.
Pre-Requisite EcoSim buildings: The Lignator, The Petrifier and The Water Processor. Each of these three have to be in an active state, however need not exist on the same property, but on any of the plots owned by the same user.
Building Blocks: Construction Wood, Concrete, Rolled Steel, Industrial Water and Oil.
What it produces: Lacquer coatings and paint including self-luminous paints using wood, limestone, industrial water and refined oil.
EcoSim building: Gold-polymerizer

The Gold-polymerizer is also a Layer-2 building, and marks the beginning of the Metallurgic Chemistry Branch.
Requirements to build:
Blueprints: Available via Research lab, once its upgraded to Layer-2 on that specific property.
Pre-requisite EcoSim buildings: The Water Processor, which has to be in active state, however need not exist on the same property.
Building Blocks: Construction Wood, Concrete, Rolled Steel, Industrial Water and Gold.
What it produces: Gold bars using industrial water and gold.
If a user deconstructs or deletes an EcoSim building which is currently supporting another EcoSim building, the supported buildings will cease to operate until the player rebuilds the required EcoSim building(s).
Both the above EcoSim buildings, once researched, follow the standard process of construction - being placed as a holo-building and requiring the construction droids to commence construction. Like in all cases, the construction droids must have access to the relevant building blocks and materials in order to complete the construction.
To remind, some EcoSim buildings will be able to store limited amount of the produce locally on-site, but once the production crosses a certain limit, building blocks or raw materials will need to be relocated via transportation to storage areas properties, construction sites or trading hubs. Holo-buildings will provide for expansion of storage space at the particular property they have been placed on.
Customization of objects within Earth 2, including buildings and vehicles, will support guild association, neighborhood synchronization or simply allow personal preferences of users.
E2V1 will gradually transform to first-person view and beyond, as the development advances over time
E-ther is Life, Essence is Power

Essence will help power multiple things inside Earth 2. Players would be able to power their Mentars at an adjustable rate, to suit a particular player's strategy - such as deciding between the rate of raw material replication, or focus more on E-ther to Essence transformation
Essence will be stakeable by players in special ways, such as - provide power support for other players or megacities at a mutually agreeable reward, allowing such essence to be utilized for various purposes. Details of Essence staking will be available closer to the launch of the Essence token.