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Press Release : Jewel Crafting

November 11, 2021 – Earth 2 is excited to announce the upcoming release of Jewel Crafting. Jewels will become a central part of the planned Earth 2 EcoSim and will be able to boost, control and specialise the resource production on a Player’s property. Over coming days, Earth 2 will introduce an additional layer to Jewels called Jewel Crafting. Jewel Crafting is a new feature which provides the ability for players to craft their existing Jewels into superior second tier level Jewels that can be tailored toward a market’s needs.

Players will be able to craft stronger Jewels by combining multiple ones together, or shatter them, which generates something called Shards. Shards can then be combined into smaller Jewels of a chosen colour, or, together with Essence, crafted with Jewels you already own to further improve their quality and effect.

In addition to their key part of the EcoSim, Jewels will provide multiple levels of utility in other areas of Earth 2, including the first, soon to be announced, official PvP game. In such games, it will be optional for game creators to set the benefits Jewels release during game play and even whether the Jewel then becomes a consumable, or not.

“In a traditional game such commodities would be sold and distributed directly from the game creator to the player and would not be tradeable between other players on an open market for their value”, said Shane Isaac, founder of Earth 2. “Earth 2 believes in breaking this trend as one of our core long term beliefs is to include players in the entire ecosystem allowing for player involvement and participation in the distribution of game play assets, user generated content and in the future player experiences. Our approach with Jewels feeds into our overall desire to create a player governed, geolocational metaverse and the idea of introducing Jewel spawning on existing Earth 2 properties at an early stage is an initiative to reward our early supporters and land owners”.

A further level of Jewel Crafting is scheduled to be released over coming weeks with each future release unlocking scores of more potential crafting results, a number that will continue to grow on each new release. Crafting will inherently have a deflationary effect on Jewel supply and increase their scarcity which will become more apparent as we continue to officialise our long term plans.

This announcement and release is part of our Earth 2 Anniversary month celebration with more scheduled announcements, surprises and news to come over the duration of November, 2021!

Game Activity

3 weeks ago the first version of the Earth 2 Game Activity feed went live. This feature displays some of the activity occurring on the Earth 2 network at any given time and importantly provides an indication on what players are presently doing on Earth 2. It was created to provide a level of togetherness and transparency. We intend to expand the Game Activity feed with additional types of data as more Earth 2 products are released, including potential filter options.

Players may visit their settings page to activate anonymity if they do not wish to have their public username shown on the Game Activity feed.

Since the September 24 announcement, there have been 5 updates released on Earth 2, the soon to be Jewel Crafting update will make 6. Our October 20 release included some community requested updates and though most of those updates were minor, we received good positive feedback from the community, thank you.

Moving forward, we plan to create a community forum where Players can officially lodge bugs, suggest features and vote on level of importance, and our development team will attempt to integrate more community fixes and improvements where and when possible. This aligns with our long term goal of Earth 2 being a platform that is gradually run by the players.

For your convenience, please see a list of the updated changes approved to be public since our previous September announcement.

5 November 2021


  • Added description search option for the HoloBuilding Editor


  • Fixed an issue in the HoloBuilding Editor making it impossible to place HoloBuildings on small properties

  • Fixed an issue not allowing users to buy in Bolivia with the credit card

20 October 2021


  • Added News-Ticker widget displaying website activities

  • Added News-Ticker settings in the Profile settings page to manage visibility of player’s activity

  • Properties owned by users are now highlighted with a user-specific colour to further distinguish one property from another

  • Portfolio UI reworked with more filters

  • Selling, Editing and Sorting features reworked with new UI

  • Added “Featured Property” function, users can now highlight properties on their profile page

  • The “For Sale” button on the property card now directly leads to the Marketplace with set filters displaying the selected property

  • Property deed UI page reworked, matching Portfolio update

  • Marketplace UI page reworked, matching Portfolio and Property deed update


  • Fixed Withdrawal message displaying out-of-date information

  • Fixed white login screen occurring with specific language setting

  • Fixed an issue with Credit Card payment process not resetting when creating a new tile selection

  • Fixed an error happening when placing HoloBuildings on properties located in specific locations

  • Fixed an error happening when saving a Blueprint on properties located in specific locations

  • Fixed “unowned” property issue

7 October 2021


  • Search results number increased from 20 to 50 when operating in the HoloBuildings Editor


  • Fixed error “Something went wrong” previously appearing for Resource Page and Notification Hub

  • Fixed an issue not showing more than 100 items for the Notification Hub widget

  • Fixed an issue which was causing the 3D view to freeze when tilted to the maximum value

  • Optimized landing page

1 October 2021


  • Added alphabet-filter for Jewels Slotting Tab

  • Added EPL Admin Management for Projects/Megacities

  • Heatmap Update

  • How-To Update (New section: The Bazaar)


  • Fixed an issue causing the message when changing the price for jewels to appear multiple times

  • Fixed Transaction page not correctly working when selecting filters

  • Fixed an issue for the Notifications HUB sometimes not displaying the date properly

28 September 2021


  • Updated MapBox version to 2.4.1

  • Increased Holobuilding Vertex limit from 10 to 20 per tile


  • Fixed an issue with HoloBuilding placement

  • Fixed an issue not displaying some of the country flags in the profile banner

  • Fixed zoom-control buttons not properly working when in 3D-view mode

  • Fixed an issue allowing users to place HoloBuildings within specific volume parameters for free

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